Unlike other Alcoholic Drinks beer is consumed most in the world every year and 3rd most consumed Drink in the World after Water and Tea in 1st and 2nd place respectively. Coffee fans do not get disappointed as it ranks as the 4th most consumed drink in the world.
Neil David Bohr lived the dream of many Beer fans. He got a unlimited perpetual supply of Beer piped in to his home after he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922 for his work on atomic structure and quantum theory. The beer was piped to house next to the Carlsberg Brewery and the house was also a gift to him by Carlsberg. He could drink it any time any quantity for Free. Who would have thought of that reward after winning the Nobel?
The Wife Carrying World Championships which usually is held in Sonkajarvi in Finland keeps ‘Quantity of Beer equal to the Weight of the wife’ as 1st Prize. The event has been happening since 1992 and the Weight of the Wife cannot be less than 49 Kilograms so we are talking a minimum of 59.50 litres of Beer for the winner.

Beer is so important in some cultures and communities that it is an integral part of their daily food consumption. So important was Beer to American Army that George Washington-the first President of the United States of America insisted that his army should be permitted a quart of beer as a part of the daily ration. He was so fond of beer himself that he has his own brew house.
Oktoberfest is the biggest beer festival in the world which is held in Munich-Germany every year for 16-18 days ending on the first Sunday of October month. It was started in 1810 to celebrate the marriage of Crown Prince of Bavaria. The total consumption of beer in the festival over 16 days goes anywhere between 7 to 8 million litres.
There is a study of Beer. Yes, it is, and it is called Zythology. It is all about studying the ingredients, how beer is made, how many types of beer exist and everything you can know and study about Beer. And obviously the people who do are called Zythologists.
Germany and Beer are 2 sides of a coin. It is an integral part of their culture. Veltins-Arena in Gelsenkirchen, North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany an indoor football stadium not just know for hosting Finals of UEFA Championship of 2004 and few matches of FIFA World cup of 2006 but also its F&B facility that can serve the entire stadium capacity of 54740 seats with 52,000 litres of beer per Match along with multiple food options to choose from. The beer is served via 5 Kilometres long Pipeline. The stadium has 15 restaurants for different food options and so food and drinks are served without any hassle while spectators enjoy the Football.
If you think Germany is number 1 in consumption of beer then you are wrong. Though German Beer is world famous because of Oktoberfest but it the Czechs who win this race. The Czech Republic is the biggest consumer of Beer in the World with approximately 320 Pints per person per year consumption that almost 150 litres of beer per person per year. Germans are the second biggest consumers after Czechs. Such is the love for beer in Czech Republic that there are Beer Spas in the country that offer Bath in Beer.
Anheuser-Busch InBev is the biggest producer of Beer in the World with Brands like Budweiser, Corona and Stella Artois. It has more than 500 Brands in its kitty and is spread across the world.
Anheuser-Busch InBev is No.1 followed by Heineken, China Resource Snow Breweries and Carlsberg.
Beer is so popular and considered Cool that it is served in many countries by McDonald’s as well; these are France, Portugal, Germany and South Korea. Not only is this Beer served even in Pizza Hut in India along with many other countries.
Talking about Breweries, we cannot forget to mention the only Brewery offering the experenicne of swimming in the Beer Swimming Pool. Yes, it’s a reality made by Schloss Starkengberrger Brewery in Tarrentz region of Austria. It houses 7 Swimming Pools full of beer for the visitors of the brewery.
If it was not for Beer, the Guinness Book of World Record would not have taken birth. The Book was launched by Sir Hugh Beaver-the Managing Director of Guinness Breweries in 1954 who makes the famous Guinness Beer which is available in more than 150 countries of the World. The first edition of book was made available in 1955 and 50,000 copies and became a bestseller
Beer becomes skunked when exposed to light. After this the beer tastes and smells bad so not advisable to drink. This is the reason why most beer Bottles are either Dark Green or Dark Brown in Colour.
In order to make an Alcoholic person productive, Government of Amsterdam offers 5 Cans of Beer, lunch, half a packet of rolling tobacco, lunch and 10 Euros a day for cleaning the streets. It is offered against the services offered by the person so it cannot be called free but definitely one of a kind.
Beer is not new to any country but the it thrived in Belgium is what no country can match, Belgium has most brands of beer than any other country can offer. It has more than almost all 400 types of beers in Individual Brand Names.

Budweiser is most valued Beer Brand in the World with valuation of $ US 14.65 billion in 2020. Heineken and Stella Artois are 2nd and 3rd most valued Beer Brands respectively.
Beer Hops is very popular among beer drinkers. Hops are Flowers buds that make the beer taste bitter and it also adds flavour. The beer can taste different and it can smell Flowery or like a Fruit depending on the variety of the Hops. So now you know next time someone talks about Beer Hop, it means a flower.